How to exchange eth to btc on coinbase

how to exchange eth to btc on coinbase

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How to Convert Ethereum (ETH) to Bitcoin (BTC) on Coinbase - ETH to BTC
You can use Coinbase Wallet's 'Trade' feature to conduct decentralized token swaps on the Ethereum network, as well as Polygon, BNB Chain, and Avalanche C-Chain. This is incredibly easy to do via the mobile Coinbase app and online in the browser, however appears impossible based on my experience working. You would have to send it back to Coinbase and then either sell it for USD and buy ETH, or, sell it directly into ETH via the BTC/ETH trading.
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Response was immediate and very helpful. The table encompasses conversions from 1 BTC to BTC, providing a comprehensive overview of their respective values in the cryptocurrency market. Your BTC coins will be sent to this address right after the exchange. Luckily someone in the support team was able to help me pretty much hold my hand and helped me out of my situation I would definitely reckoned this team and site to anyone.